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Nonprofit Gospel Truths Blog


Increasingly, funders are seeking evidence of a nonprofit organization’s impact. How does your nonprofit move the needle on a community issue? How do you measure your impact?

Having served as the executive director of nonprofits that were evidence based and those that were not, I understand firsthand how challenging meeting this expectation can be when your programs aren’t evidence-based and conversely, the leverage it provides when they are. This is an issue that keeps many program and executive directors up at night. Most nonprofit professionals understand the power of evidence-based programming and desire it, however, the lack of financial resources and expertise to effectively and rigorously engage in research can be a barrier. This is often a capacity issue and a topic for another day. In the meantime, there is material you can include to bolster your Case for Support and build your organization’s credibility, evidence based or not.

Toot Your Horn.

If your organization has received accolades or recognition for its work, shout it from the mountain tops and make it a key message. The greater your credibility, the greater your funding potential. Demonstrating how your nonprofit is turning “ain’t it awful” problems into positive and impactful solutions can open doors and build enduring support. There are a few ways to accomplish this in your Case for Support or as an appendage. Examples include:

  • Client, stakeholder and funder testimonials
  • Articles
  • A list of awards and major accomplishments
  • Media coverage
  • A link to a video highlighting your impact if sending electronically
  • A list of major investors
  • Case studies

If applicable, mention how your nonprofit engages through:

  • Monthly blogs
  • Webinars and podcasts
  • Social media platforms
  • Sound bites and storytelling

If you want to drive impact, create a compelling reason for people to want to support your cause with the evidence you have available. It all matters.